Studio location map

Directions from downtown via Lakeshore Drive:
Take Lake Shore Drive North to the Montrose Ave. exit and go west. Continue on Montrose to Lincoln Ave. and turn left. The studio in on the west side of Lincoln Ave., approximately 1/2 block from the Montrose/Lincoln intersection.
Directions from downtown and south of Chicago via Interstate 90/94:
Take 90/94 North to the Western Avenue exit. Go North on Western Ave. to Montrose Ave. and turn right. Take Montrose to Lincoln Ave. and turn right. The studio is on the west side of Lincoln Ave. approximately 1/2 block from the Montrose/Lincoln Intersection.
Directions from northern Chicago and the northern suburbs:
Take Interstate 90/94 to the Irving Park Blvd. exit. Turn left onto Irving Park Blvd. and head east for several miles to the intersection of Damen Ave., Lincoln Ave. and Irving Park. Turn left onto Lincoln Ave. Take Lincoln north until just before Montrose Ave. The studio is located approximately 1/2 block before Montrose on the west side of the street.
Public Transportation
We are accessible via public transportation along several different routes.
Via the El
Take the brown line to the Montrose Ave. stop. You can then either take the Montrose Ave. bus to Lincoln Av. or walk the 4 blocks west to Lincoln. Turn left on Lincoln Ave. The studio in on the west side of the street. approximately 1/2 block from the Montrose/Lincoln intersection.
Via the Bus
The Lincoln Ave. Bus #11 can be picked up anywhere along Lincoln Ave. Take the bus to the Montrose Ave intersection. The studio in on the west side of Lincoln Ave. approximately 1/2 block south from the Montrose/Lincoln intersection.